Kendala Mahasiswa Tata Rias, Dalam Melakukan Praktik Blow Vertical
Kendala Mahasiswa Tata Rias, Dalam Melakukan Praktik Blow VerticalAbstract
Penelitianiiniibertujuan untukimengetahui KendalaiMahasiswa Tata Rias AKS-AKK Yogyakarta Dalam Melakukan Praktik Blow Vertical PadaiMata KuliahiPenataan Rambut Dasar. iPopulasi dalamipenelitian iniiadalah mahasiswaisemester IV dan VI Mahasiswa Tata Rias AKS-AKK Yogyakarta sebanyak 313orang.lPengambilan sampelldigunakan teknikltotal sampling, lsehingga jumlah sampellpenelitian adalahl31 orang. Metodelpengumpulan data menggunakanlllembar pengamatan. lAnalisis datallmenggunakan tekniklldeskriptif, uji kesepakatanlpengamat danlpersentase. Hasil penelitianlmenunjukkan bahwalkemampuan penataanlrambut blowlvertical diperolehlrata-rata 48,3ldenganlnilai tertinggil82 dan nilai terendahl53. Hasillpengamatan kemampuanllsecara keseluruhanllpada indikator panjang rambutlmemperoleh skorl4 dan mendapatkanlnilai yang baiklsebesar 51,6%,luntuklindikator tingkatlkekeringanlrambut memperolehlskor 3ldan mendapatkanlnilai yanglbaik sebesar 51,6%,lpada indikatorlhasil gulunganlrambut denganlsisir blowlmemperoleh skorl3 dan mendapatkanlnilailyang baiklsebesar 71%,lpada indikator hasil gulunganlrambut denganlroll set memperolehlskor 2 danlmendapatkan nilailyang cukuplsebesar 45,2%,lpada indikator posisiljatuhnyalrambut memperolehlskor 2 danlmendapatkan nilailyang cukuplsebesar 54,8% sertalpada indikatorldesain memperolehlskor 1 dan mendapatkanlnilai yanglkurang sebesar 64,5%.lBerdasarkan hasillrata-rata pengamatlper indikatorlbahwa nilaillrata-rata seluruh sampellpaling rendahlterdapat padallindikator 6lyaitu Desainlldengan skorlrata-ratal1,57 sedangkanlskor yanglpaling tinggilterdapat padalindikator 2lyaitu tingkatlkekeringanlrambut denganlskor rata-ratal3,49. Tetapilsecara keseluruhanlhasil kemampuanlpenataanlrambut blowlvertical yangldiperoleh mahasiswalseluruhnya masihlcukup baik. lWalaupunllmasih banyaklkendala dalamlmelakukan praktikllblow verticallDengan demikian, lldisimpulkan bahwalkemampuan penataanlrambut blowlvertical padalmahasiswalmahasiswalsemesterlIV danlVI TatalRias Aks-AkklYogyakarta cenderunglCukup sebanyakl21 oranglyaitul67,74% walaupunlmasih terlihatlmasih banyaklkendala-kendalalmahasiswa dalamlmelakukanlpraktik blowlvertical.
Thisistudy aimsito determine theiConstraintsiof Yogyakarta AKS-AKK Cosmetology Students in Doing Vertical Blow Practices in Basic Hair Styling Courses. Theipopulation inithisistudy werei31 studentsiin semesteriIV and VIiof Yogyakarta AKS-AKK Cosmetology Students. Sampling useditotallsamplingitechnique, lsoithelnumberiof researchisamples was 31ipeople. Methodsiiof dataliicollectionilusing observation sheets. Dataiianalysis usediidescriptive techniques, iobserver agreement tests andipercentages. The resultsishowedithat theiabilityito style blow vertical hair obtained an average of 48.3 with theihighestiscore of 82 andiithe lowestiscore of 53. Theiresults of observing the overall ability of the hair length indicator obtained a scoreiof 4 and obtained aigood scoreiof 51.6%, for the indicator the dryness level of hair getsia scoreiof 3 and gets a good score of 51.6%, on the result indicator of hair rolls with a blow comb gets a score of 3 and getsia good scoreiof 71%, on the result indicator of hair curls with a roll set gets a scoreiof 2 and getsia sufficient score of 45.2%, the indicator for the position of the hair fall gets aiscore of 2 and gets an adequateiscore of 54.8% and the design indicator gets a score of 1 and gets a less than 64.5%. Basedion theiresults of the average observer per indicator, the lowest average value of all samples is found in indicator 6, namely Design with an averagelscore of 1.57 while the highest score is found in indicator 2, namely the level of hair dryness with an averageiscore of 3 ,49. But overall theiresultsiof theivertical blow hair styling ability obtained by all students are still quite good. Although thereiareiistill manyiobstacles in carryingiout vertical blow practices. Thus, iitican be concludedithat theiability toistyle blow vertical hair on students in semesters IV and VI of Yogyakarta Aks-Akk Cosmetology tends to be sufficient, as many as 21 people, namely 67.74%, although there are still many obstacles. students in doing vertical blow practice.
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